More to come, of course
Sony has added a new PC page to its official PlayStation website, detailing titles currently available outside of PlayStation – as well as other upcoming releases. The website includes links to purchase titles like God of War and Days Gone, and also includes key information like required hardware specifications. The individual game pages even list PC as a platform now.
There’s an FAQ on the website, too, which details things like Trophy support, cross-save, and more – none of which are currently supported, of course. “Stay up to date on new announcements on PlayStation’s Twitter and Instagram, and check back here to learn more about new PlayStation Studios games coming to PC,” one answer on upcoming releases adds.
Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is, of course, out imminently on PC – and we were pretty impressed with the port.
A true PlayStation veteran, Sammy's covered the world of PS gaming for years, with an enormous Trophy count to prove it. He also likes tennis games way more than you.
brilliant sony should branch out more on pc. ive 2 gaming rigs one intel/Nvidia and one pure amd. id love to see ps3 era games released on pc to. theres a lot more gamers they can reach this way. lot of people dont like buying a proprietary box that only runs propriety Media. in many ways i agree. but im hooked lol love me exclusives from playstation,xbox and Nintendo. i bought days gone day one on steam , i picked up horizon forbidden zero dawn on pc ,recently replaying outerworlds with those 2 dlcs that was released on max settings on steam will be looking at mods soon. id like to see more of this from xbox and Nintendo to. happy gaming guys 😁
It doesn't matter at this point. They are pursuing GaaS and not what made Playstation a great platform. Not to mention with this inflation a majority will be cutting video games out of their spending in favor of food... should they even be able to find food in the coming world wide shortage.
I hope you guys have started preparing.
@Mad001 All of Microsoft's games go to PC now, so there's no "more" of this to see from them. They just need to get their first-party operations in order so they don't suffer year-long droughts like they currently do.
Nintendo will never port their games to other platforms unless there's a mass change in leadership and corporate philosophy at some point. But I wouldn't expect it. Moreso than any other company in the industry, they're able to drive hardware adoption with their world-class IPs, with some of their games selling tens of millions of copies at full price for years and years without price cuts. They're not going to endanger their independence as a manufacturer by putting their games on other platforms.
I mean, why not. Of all the things to criticise Sony for lately, porting their games to PC isn't one of them. A very sensible decision which only increases fan engagement and sales alike. The best idea they've come up with in the last 5 years.
Didn't Sony say they expect $300 million in revenue by the year? They are hooked and there's no going back, they smell the easy money in the air.
They should use this opportunity to give spotlights to games that didn't get enough love like the Resistance series, MotorStorm and the entire Japan Studio catalog!
@Ralizah thats on gamepass i dont see gears of war trilogy on steam maybe xbox360 is no wanted lol yea Nintendo have their own way of doing things lol have a good one 👍
Worst mistakes sony ever did in putting theyre games on🤔.word up son
@playstation1995 not a fan then? when i was 18 19 i didnt like pcs bought one when i was 26 and 20 odd years later im a I.T technician. fun part of pcs is gaming only reason why im interested in them lol pcs aren't for every one my mates still think pcs are like the old pentium windows 95 variety 🤣
I was worried it'd devalue the playstation brand, but I guess it must be going OK if they are still keen to do it after the first few tries. It's not as if ps5's are struggling to sell, two years later they still can't get them out fast enough.
Day and date, here we come...
Pretty brilliant. Use old titles for massive profit on an untapped market during the upcoming gaming Lull. By the time it's over they can start releasing on both platforms simultaneously at game release. Next is Uncharted then Last of Us most likely. Returnal has supposedly been sorta confirmed for ages but I'd guess every single Sony exclusive is coming PC way. I'd love to see SotC and Ghost myself.
As a Playstation fan, I really wish the userbase did not make embarrassing posts about porting WWS titles over to other platforms. So much research has been shed on these two communities complimenting each other. It's like a household having a Switch and a PS5. It's just different ways to consume games. PC ports do nothing but help Sony's gaming division profit, and that means more games from Sony's gaming division. Everyone who likes PS should really be on board with this.
I now own a Steamdeck and can play PlayStation games on the go, but I still NOT a fan of Sony diluting the worth of owning a console. I still prefer console actually having exclusives. Now, with Sony having a PC mindset, they’ll most likely develop games with low PC tech in mind and not actually utilize the PS5. Just like how the PS4 has hindered the PS5.
@Balosi Yeah, PC and PS4 are getting all the focus. There hasn’t been an actual PS5 game release since Ratchet and Clank last year. We got some PS4 ports this year though.
The latest game Sony revealed explicitly states it's coming to both PS5 and PC (The Last of Us Part I). So now even current gen games are being announced for PC not just old PS4 games. There's no way fanboys can spin this anymore, first it was coping with old PS4 games but now we have confirmation that games built from the ground up for PS5 are also PC bound. This alongside the very credible Nvidia leak pretty much confirms every current PlayStation game will go to PC, not just old PS4 games.
To me this doesn't make PS5 a worthwhile purchase anymore and its hardware will never meet its true potential when every game has to be dumbed down to work on mid and low spec PCs.
The consensus seems to be the release gap will be about 2 years but I suspect it'll continually shrink until eventual day and date. The excuse of Sony wanting to hold back PC releases to sell consoles went out the window as soon as they revealed their plans to release PC ports. Now people have all the ammo they need to wait for the superior PC release and skip the PS5, its £70 games and PS+ subscription fees altogether.
Yeah I can see this going belly up for Playstation.
People seem to think that selling more 1st party games will make them more money, but this is not how PS makes their money, it's selling 3rd party games and their MTX's that makes them their money. And with less people being on the console less 3rd party games and MTX's will be sold through Sony.
@Krysus these games don't make massive profit on PC. 1st party games is not how PS makes their money
@Juanalf 300 million is just over 1% of their annual revenue. Hardly a goldmine
@art_of_the_kill I can't wait for day and date to happen so that everyone who complains there's no reason to own a console can just sell their consoles and buy a PC. Then they can leave Push Square for Push Space Bar (or whatever they end up calling it) and we won't have to deal with their complaining anymore.
@Mad001 so did you buy horizon forbidden west on ps5 or ps4?
@Milktastrophe This. These people make no sense. If you want a high end PC buy it and play the games. If you want a cheaper console to play games then buy that. The whining that Sony is diluting their brand is so idiotic considering most PC gamers only PC game and were never going to buy a console in the first place. Why they care someone else on another platform can play the same game as you is so petty. It's like looking at a dude driving a Lamborghini and whining that there's no point in driving anymore because you have Prius, even though they both get the job done. The other annoying thing is Sammy purposely posts these pointless articles just to rile the same people up. Wow Sony updated a website, incredible.
@Dudeman1 Wait, did you just compare my PS5 to a Prius?
Jim Ryan needs to go He is destroying the PS brand. This kinds of things makes me not want to buy a PS5 and should invest on PC.
@TrickyDicky99 It’s $300M of almost pure profit, with costs associated to these ports almost certainly significantly less than $50M. That’s a $0.25B profit.
BTW Physical Game revenue(first party + third party) generated $124M revenue for Sony last Quarter, so it’s not inconceivable that PC makes Sony more money than all physical media soon.
@truerbluer okay this is an ignorant take. Of all the games the last of us 1 has been made multiple times this is its 3rd time so of course it's going to pc. It's not like it's last of us part 3 or anything lol
Hum… i guess it’s sting more because it seems to me like these are the only news we get from Sony lately…
Beside God of war release date it seems only PC got announcement over the summer. Maybe if we’re lucky PSVR2 will be compatible with PS5 and not just PC 😏
Edit : Oh I forgot the last of us remake, I guess it’s kind of new… then again maybe they only wanted to announce it for PC and then they decided to include PS5…
More and more I wonder why the PS5, almost at the 2 year mark and only first party exclusive that come to mind are Ratchet and Clank, Returnal and Demon’s Soul and that list seems more likely to decrease over the next 6 months than going the other way around…
God humans love complaining lol, just have all platforms. I own ps4, xbox with just gamepass on it and a gaming laptop with the best pre built specs. Didn't build one myself and switch. And I don't have a high paying job and lived on my own since 18 so can't tell me it's too much money lol trust me I live paycheck to paycheck. I own all and think this is a great idea makes me want to buy them on pc to support them even more I love Sony exclusives
@Omnistalgic I understand what your saying but it’s fair to admit things have changed in the last few years. Sony acquired studios specialised in porting games a few years after they launch on consoles. It doesn’t take anymore focus or time from the creators who have still the console customers interest as a priority. What was spreading resources and unfocused development a couple of years ago is now well organised with PS5 being the main focus.
@SuperPotato316 people are weird man , it’s just the inner-fanboy in them . there’s really no logic to it .
@OmegaStriver All games are made on a PC & are downgraded to consoles anyway so what you’re saying is ridiculous
@Dudeman1 i understand that pushsquare deem this super important information that playstation owners need to know (being constructive here) but what i dont get is the amount of pc gamers commenting on a playstation just baffles me that all the pc gamers come out of the shadows to preach doom on the ps5/ps4 and tell us how much better their £1500 rigs are..i'm a playstation fan man,yeah you heard me a PLAYSTATION FAN MAN but i'm not over on pc/xbox/nintendo forums adding my 2 bits to topics that i have no interest in..i'm sure the "master race" as they like to be known as have better things to do than troll playstation users..maybe actually play those super dooper ps5 killers you have before your leccy bill gets so high you cant even turn them on without selling a kidney..
I hope Sony will work on Steam-PSN user profile integration next.
@nomither6 Never heard of dev kits huh?
@SuperPotato316 Then those people needs to go too. PS games should be on PlayStation only like Nintendo. Reason why Nintendo is dominating the gaming market even though their console is underpowered but their exclusive games are the reasons of buying the switch and optimized aswell.
@Northern_munkey Haha your not wrong here. However the annoying part is the unnecessary condescendence people go on about one another priority. I mean come on. We are all humans and have our own preference. It’s only natural a console gamer wants his platform to be the focus just like if I was only gaming on PC I d like PC to be the focus but then I wouldn’t be on this site for so long. 🤷🏼♂️ I don’t know what Push pushes these days but yeah, PlayStation consoles are supposedly the natural platform gamers shouldn’t be ashamed to focus on here. Not fond of the shaming taking place these days.
@truerbluer TLOU is a ‘remake’ remaster somewhat similar to uncharted collection. (It’s kind of pointless on PS5). Not really groundbreaking that it’s coming to pc. It’s actually the main interest and I’d say the main reason for it to exist.
@SuperPotato316 Tell that to the people who loves to playing games on handheld and rising popularity of steamdeck and the people who another psp2. People now a days loves playing games anywhere and everywhere as long as they get the full console experience reasons why Nintendo is dominating the market look at the 3DS sales numbers amazing handheld with amazing games. I for one want another handheld from Sony instead I got another PSVR bs which I wont even buy.
@JJ2 dont get me wrong here i'm not saying pc gaming is bad or that the playstations are the be all and end all its just my chosen platform...i just dont understand the mentality of making an account for a particular site when your only goal is to rubbish or pour scorn upon whoever owns said consoles..i'm pretty sure there are more than a few console owners who probably do the same thing so its not an exclusive issue that pc gamers are afflicted by..i'll never understand it..
@Vergil7 why? Why do first party playstation games need to stay exclusive? If it brings in more revenue for the devs as a whole then what does it matter? You dont want the pc version dont buy it but this whole excluding one platform over another is just the sort of elitist crap we dont need as gamers..
@SuperPotato316 That's cause I didn't read your comment properly Wii U didn't have enough games and support to sold properly like the PS Vita that's why it failed. Tell that to PC elitist who have been bragging about how superior pc is.
Only a matter of time until there's "no reason" to own a PS5. Of course, I'll still keep mine because gaming on a computer is for the birds (even though I, too, have a strong gaming laptop).
Then maybe people can be quiet about that argument.
@OmegaStriver Get this, and try not to have your mind blown away... Those are custom PCs. Crazy, I know. There's no magic behind a dev kit. Still uses the same AMD chip that the PS5 uses. Well, dev kits are stronger, but it's still the same architecture. Consoles are spec'd down PCs, so most games are made with PC in mind, then brought over.
Great to see more gamers enjoying great games. And the added profit will flow back into more, or larger budget, games on Playstation
That said Sony need to keep some exclusives and a reasonable time buffer or it will be self defeating. It’s a fine line.
Sony can u please just focus on making actual ps5 games that I can actually play on my ps5 and take advantage of the ps5 hardware?? What an absolute scam this generation has been. Honestly imagine any other generation over 2 years in and it has only a handful of games made specifically for that hardware. The Ps5 just feels like the ps4 pro 2, an absolute joke. I was fooled by the "supply shortage" into trying to get one asap but god I wish I waited as my ps4 would have been able to play everything I wanted to in these last 2 years
@Northern_munkey You really think developers gets those pc money? And This is PlayStation website for those who loves PlayStation as a console and their Games. If you want to show your love towards gamming, you can brag about it on Twitter or on Youtube.
@Royalblues that's nonsense that people on the Internet parrot, a pc is just a collection of components connected together so technically everything is basically a PC if you look at it that way. PC is not a format, Windows is a format.
A cpu + gpu + other necessary components connected together with a custom OS and emulating PS5 conditions is a world away from your Windows PC you have at home. It's not like the games on these kits can just be installed on Windows and played. They still require monnths of work to port, and Sony even has their own entire studio now for PC ports.
@OmegaStriver bet a computer is still involved
@SuperPotato316 that excuse is getting tired now. Most people continued to work during the pandemic, I understand certain delays but this is unacceptable and a chip shortage shouldn't affect planned games coming out. If there was an issue Sony would have been well aware before releasing the console. They knew there would be hardly games but released it anyway.
@SweetSummerShunv oh yeah , it’s bye-bye ps5 if that ever becomes a thing . i hope the day comes when all 3 game companies start integrating on PC , it would be perfect . all you need is a computer for everything & PC just keeps getting better and more popular anyway
Let's all watch the downfall of the brilliant PlayStation brand Thanks Jim Ryan :-/
@Vergil7 so the developer gets no royaltys at all? Nothing? And bragging (which i wasnt) about gaming should be kept to just youtube and twitter? Your comment is silly...
@Northern_munkey *edit lol it was horizon zero dawn on pc . na havent bought forbidden west yet il be snagging it off of Amazon. i get side tracked by a few games lol ,i got hung up on the quarry , yakuzas and sniper v5, omg that as dusk falls i went through that game multiple times. forbidden west its on the to do list though im playing through a back log of steam sales 🤣 i got horizon zero dawn on sale via fanatical (great place for great game steam keys or software bundles lol) gta 5 im wanting a play through for the next week. have fun buddy p.s i think il be playing the next last of us remake 🤦 before forbidden west im last of us nuts 🤣
@Vergil7 what's your point about the 3ds exactly? it seems like you're using it as an example of the popularity of handheld, but the 3ds was considered a bit of a flop.
It sold less units than every PlayStation console, even the PS3 which was a failure. It also only sold 389M units of Software whereas the PS4 is 1.5B+, and even the PS3 managed 1B
@SuperPotato316 i dont think its down to chip shortages as to why we are still getting cross gen titles and more to the fact that the ps4 and ps4 pro are still very much viable gaming platforms..yes we can argue that if there was a steady supply of chips there would be more ps5's to buy but also consider the fact that there are people who dont want to purchase one just yet..i have friends who are quite content with their ps4's..
@TrickyDicky99 the projections for 300 mill from PC alone say otherwise.
Honestly, they should stick to this tactic of releasing exclusives later on after the initial console release (atleast 1-2 years after)
@SuperPotato316 Aren’t the PS4 and PS5 neck to neck on the amount of unit sold after their respective first 18 months? That amount didn’t prevent them from making PS4 exclusive back then.
@Northern_munkey I think the lack of exclusive is what makes previous gen still relevant platform, for all I care the PS3 could still be a viable platform on the power side as the switch is showing. Software drives hardware sales no console as ever been a must get platform by itself without software justifying it…
@JJ2 @Northern_munkey It’s called ‘karma’. For years of PlayStation fanboys mocking Xbox over their games coming to pc. You can’t be surprised that accounts are getting made specifically to try and trigger fanboys on dedicated PlayStation sites now ps4/5 games are coming to pc. This is what has been earned… and PlayStation fanboys are pretty easy to rile up. So it’s to be expected.
@RunGMhx didnt say it say that cross gen games exist because of chip shortages is just a daft thing to say..unless of course there is 100% concrete proof to back up such a comment..
@Bleachedsmiles all fanboys are easy to rile up..i'm a playstation fan man myself and i'm open to sensible discussions but you wont catch me trolling another website aimed at a different gaming platform just to be a gobshite..
@SerJosh97 You missed my point entirely, it's not the game itself that's the issue, it's the fact that a current gen game has been revealed for PC at the same time as PS5. This will undoubtably cannibalise sales on console (of which Sony would have stood to receive 100% of the money) which could have easily been avoided by not mentioning PC until much later after the PS5 release. The announcement only helps to assure PC gamers that it will be a short gap from console release, so no need to bother getting a PS5 for this game, which many will also extrapolate to other first party releases.
@JJ2 I agree, the PS5 release is clearly a smokescreen for the actual goal to get the game on PC without upsetting PlayStation owners. And they're doing this by throwing this remake to them first as a form of appeasement so that Part II can quickly sneak its way onto PC not soon after.
@Northern_munkey And your place in heaven is secure I’m sure. But that will be at least one of the reasons why you may be seeing fresh accounts made just to comment on these stories…just have to suck it up.
The only issue I have with PC is how the community are so open about pirating games and normalize it to the point it's not frowned upon but praised. As bad as console fanboys are at least they don't promote stealing like it's a feature.
@Bleachedsmiles not quite sure what you have taken umbrage with but you wont get an argument out of me..lets not start being snarky with each other 👍
@Northern_munkey I agree with you. However the interesting thing is the ones mostly bringing PC up are the doom and gloom PS "fans" that can't accept PC is like a side market now. There are quite a few obvious Xbox fanboys that troll here like Bleached, Ion, Marts, and a few others because they're so upset over MS putting their games on PC they have to rub it in when Sony does the same. Just let them be cringey and don't take the bait though.
@HeeHo I'd say Sony should think about making a PC Plus tier and maybe have some PC developers to create games using their ip that are made for PC (strategy games perhaps).
A Plus tier for PC could look more attractive than paying £50 and give players easier access to games so they don't feel they need to pirate them as much. Don't need to release something like Spider-Man day 1 but they could appear at some point. And maybe include that PC tier onto the consoles Premium for anyone that has a PC too to get access to those strategy games. Right now that premium looks unattractive
Sony is both selling out and falling for Microsoft's anti-exclusive propaganda here.
Porting Playstation games to PC makes a PS5 not worth owning and betrays fans' investment. People bought a PS5 with the understandable expectation that they would need it to play certain games. It's like selling a week-long ticket to the amusement park and then making the park free to everyone all summer.
Microsoft didn't port their games to PC because they are pro-consumer. They ported their games to PC because they happen to be a massive PC company 1st and a console owner 2nd. MS porting their games to PC is as expected as Sony porting Vita games to PS4. Microsoft recently bought several 3rd party studios for the explicit purpose of keeping those games off Playstation. So any idea that MS is somehow all "kumbayah my lord" is BS.
Thank God Nintendo actually supports and believes in their own platform. Both Sony and MS are running from the hardware market right now.
@Northern_munkey with Sony making this change to their site it's clear that Playstation is now more than just the consoles. And as a Playstation site it's expected of Pushsquare to cover this news now. As a result there will be an influx of new users for better or worse because the Playstation brand is growing and reaching a wider audience. The days of this site being an echo chamber are numbered.
I've always been a Playstation fan since the PS1 but switched to PC when it was cheaper to build one to play the latest games than to buy a PS3 for 599 USD. I've since made my way back to Playstation but I now play on both systems which both have their pros and cons and I've said my opinions in the comments a few times. I've been lurking on this site for years before making an account and I've read all sorts insane comments from some members here regarding other platforms and gamers. Every gaming community has its select few of "elitists" but I haven't seen many of those of the PC community here, yet, but what's there to worry about? I think the staff here do a good enough job removing/banning stupid flame baiting comments like that so I'm not worried. That said if it's an echo chamber you guys want this place isn't it anymore. There's tons of subreddits for that stuff though
@GameCollector84 It's so funny. Mid-last gen, when Microsoft starting porting all of their games to PC and Playstation's exclusives machine was in full swing, I recall so many PS fans online talking about how Xbox consoles no longer had any exclusives, which made them not worth buying. But now that PS is going down the exact same road, the new dominant talking points are "I'm a console gamer, so I don't care what games are ported to PC" and "wHy DoN't YoU wAnT mOrE pEoPlE tO hAvE aCcEsS tO gAmEs?"
Assuming Sony's dedication to PC game development continues to accelerate going forward (which seems to be the case), I do think buying a PS5 still makes sense for wide swaths of gamers, since many primarily game on one platform and will want to opt for something comparatively inexpensive that hosts most of the games they want. If you just want to play Sony's first-party stuff and third-party multiplat titles, it makes more financial sense to buy a PS5 than it does to build a comparatively powerful PC.
But, long-term, it's difficult to see how this move toward multiplatform development doesn't hurt their brand image and ability to remain dominant in the console space. Microsoft's strategy with day-and-date PC launches and GP overall makes sense when you remember they've struggled to remain competitive in the console space for generations now. In large part, Microsoft is transitioning the Xbox brand away from hardware and toward Game Pass, so it makes sense to put their service on as many platforms as possible. Microsoft wants people to become as invested in that subscription pipeline as possible. They're bypassing the traditional console war completely.
But that's not the case for Sony. Sony's dominance is intimately tied into how aggressively they gain market share with their hardware, and they've traditionally accomplished this by exclusively hosting the best software on the market. Porting their games to PC might not immediately hurt console sales, but I do feel like they're weakening the long-term appeal of the brand for short-term profit generation. It's bad enough that they completely lost their iron grip on Japanese third-party console game development.
@ryanburnsred well written but you have either misunderstood me or not read my comments properly..this site is not an echo chamber nor should it be and i welcome all gamers that have a good attitude and are able to talk to each other in a respectable manner. A little bit of banter never hurt anyone but there are those amongst us that deliberatly set out to cause trouble and provoke others and be as toxic as is humanly possible. There are people who think they know everything but just will not admit when they are wrong and then start getting abusive. You say you have not seen that many pc "elitists" and maybe you have not but quite a few of us on here have had the misfortune to have met a lot of them over the years. Again i welcome all gamers no matter what their prefered platform may be but if you are here just to flame or troll go somewhere else. Pushsquare do moderate reasonably well and they do ban the miscreants but sometimes they really do publish articles that will inscense playstation fans and invite people to put the boot in. It would be great for everybody to get along but its not a perfect world and neither are us.
@Krysus that's just over 1% of Playstations annual revenue. It's peanuts
@ChrisDeku And Playstation will lose a lot more than 250M in profit by putting their games on PC because they will alienate some console users. I for one will only be buying Sony games used now, so they get no money from me for their games.
Porting to pc is, and always will be, about the money, not the fans. A simultaneous release on ps5 and pc isn't going to happen either, because that would eat into profits. A year or two down the line release, would allow the consumer to double dip, "buy the ps5 version, now, then the definitive pc version, later". Its a smart move by sony.
@TrickyDicky99 Not sure where you gets your stats from. But last I checked Playstation doesn't clear 30bill in revenue, let alone profits, on an annual basis. Sony might. But not just the Playstation division. From what I've read, this has been first driven by the developers who wanted more profits, which they are getting. Then once it was shown to be profitable, Playstation went all in.
@Bleachedsmiles ‘Karma’??? Oh you mean console war bs. Hahaha Yea yea yea ok Typically projecting calling people ‘fanboi’. Fascinating topic. Not
@Krysus PS annual revenue is around 25BN
@Northern_munkey I apologize. Much of my comment wasn't really directed at you personally but more towards the select few of this community. The staff has done a good job over the years cleaning up the comment section but I stand by my statement that this place is an echo a certain degree. It was much worse especially once Sony started porting their games to PC. I have seen some people come in to provoke but they're far and few in-between imo and I come here quite often for news. My whole point is I think a few of the regulars here should be a bit more open minded about other people that aren't console owners coming in and engaging with the rest of us. You're doing just fine so I apologize again for the misunderstanding
@Ralizah this is kinda my view. Like, Nintendo proves that exclusives sell hardware. Which I assume drives other revenue sources as well. Sony's business model seemed comparable. Maybe that's changing. I'm just not sure why. Seems like a situation where they just end up shifting where the money comes from, all while risking some pretty valuable, years in the making intangibles.
@JJ2 you don’t find the subject of ‘console wars’ fascinating????
@Carl-G JimBO gotta GO , for sure . are the moderators convinced yet
@Bleachedsmiles Console war rabbit hole is fascinating when you step back with an adult perspective. You managed to actually say ‘fanboys’ three times in a single comment seemingly annoyed explaining that Xbox was ‘mocked’ and needed sort of payback which is NOT a fascinating perspective to discuss. I’m prefer just to laugh about it. 😅 Feel free to go about it without involving me though. No problem. I respect freedom of speech and whatever people feel good to talk about. 🎻🙅🏼♂️
@TrickyDicky99 No. 14 bill. Took me all of 5 seconds of googling to find that.
@JJ2 It’s definitely fascinating. I’m fascinated that you read my comment on why people may be making accounts just to get a rise out of people like you - as in people that spend their first two comments complaining that PlayStation should be Sonys focus and a suggestion pushsquare have some sort of motive writing these articles. I wasn’t being angry, I was just pointing out you guys are easy pickings…as, ironically, you came across a little angry.
And angrier still as you count up how many times ‘fanboy’ was written in said comment… that’s fascinating. I won’t mention how many times you wrote the word ‘focus’…
I don’t particularly think ‘Xbox needs payback’… I can just understand why an eagerness may be there to stir the pot.
But least we can all sit back and laugh! 👨❤️💋👨 <- that’s me and you!
So how long do you think before developers stop optimizing for the PlayStation?
I promise you that day is coming. One day, when the PC version is being released on the same day as the PS version, developers will have the same deadline for both platforms and will stop wasting time tweaking things for the PS.
@Bleachedsmiles ‘people like you ‘ which you insisted on calling fanboy and look down on. Your obviously just trying to trigger pointless crap clearly approving some banter people like ‘me’ ‘earned’. (Because they supposedly ‘mocked’ Xbox). I told you I couldn’t care less about your fantasies and just replied because I’m a civilised person. Have a good one spending your time as you enjoy so. You were funny indeed but not anymore now I must admit.
@Krysus Nope, 14BN is just PSN, learn how to use Google before commenting.
Yep. Fanboys show their hypocrisy the moment their own platform of choice does something. "Why don't you want people to have access to games?" is a stupid argument considering that people build $1500 rigs and buy $1000 phones. Remember when Xbox fans used to decry making a home grown 1st party game exclusive to a single platform? Now they defend 3rd party aquisitions as if that's not a thousand times worse.
I think whether or not PS5 is the best option depends on whether or not you game online. It also depends on what sort of a PC you would want, and the PC market. Keep in mind that many CPUs, towers, PSUs, monitors, etc. can last ten to fifteen years. If I weren't a physical snob, I'd go PC, but I can't stand Denuvo in my games or digital copies of anything other than an Indie game.
Microsoft has yet to prove on paper that Gamepass is profitable. I think they are hiding a lot of server hosting expenses by putting them on the non-Xbox balance sheet. I mean gamepass takes in 2.4 billion in yearly revenue but they just spent over 80 million in aquisitions. Not to mention many gamepass users get it for $1 and whatnot.
I think Microsoft is heavily pushing gamepass because they know they can't survive in a traditional console market so they are pushing as hard as they can to take the market to a subscription and microtransaction service. That and microtransactions pretty much print money. So they will be profitable eventually. Whether that is in two years or ten years remains to be seen. At any rate the consumer is going to get ripped off in the long run. If you want complete games released physically it looks like Nintendo is your best bet.
Yeah, as far as Sony undercutting their own brand goes, I definitely feel like Jim Ryan and co are the 80's guy with Boneitis from Futurama. They are out to make as much money now as possible. Company's future be damned.
@TrickyDicky99 my bad. Apologies. You are correct. I misread that.
I would be interested to see how they will (if ever) implement PSN Trophies to this for those of us that have PSN IDs. Also, in the long future, I wonder for us PSN people, would they ever have their own PS App on the PC like Steam or Epic?
@OmegaStriver I don't think this is actually valid? PC IS console development, that's what many games begin development on, and are then tested on console. The pandemic is what hindered PS5-only titles as GOW:R, GT7, Horizon:FW, and Returnal were all supposed to be out the first year of launch and Sony was trying to get 25-30M PS5 out there in a hurry and transition the user base over quickly. 2020 got royally messed up because of the pandemic and chip shortages.
So a game only being available on PS5 and PC does not dilute it at all. The two userbases hardly converge so it's more money in Sony's pocket (which again funds more WWS titles) and it certainly isn't holding back PS5 development because tech is always moving forward. Hell even if development is done purely on console, they always have more powerful hardware on hand (PS5 Pro level PC) that they would use when actually developing because it'll be faster and more efficient than the user model.
@Omnistalgic Bare minimum, if they have to factor in low end PC’s that use a HDD in regard to world building (forced crawl/squeeze spots, elevators, etc), that’s a hindrance to the PS5.
@OmegaStriver no doubt about that! That would suck, but I don't think it's very likely. One reason, the current PS5 exclusives are PS4/PS5 only because of time constraints and the pandemic. Any GAAS title that's releasing on PS4/PS5/PC is to support a wide audience and likely a developer decision, nothing to do with hardware.
Sony definitely wants cutting-edge titles that show off the PS5. I'd argue we already have a couple, particularly Demon's Souls Remake. I just don't think any WWS is going to compromise the vision of their development just to release on more platforms. It's not at all what WWS is known for. The GAAS titles are a different bet, but I'm talking about ND's next game, SSM title after Ragnorok etc...
@Uncharted2007 Why would there be a worldwide shortage happening anytime soon?
@GameCollector84 Well, I'd argue that's not how Sony sees PS5 and future Playstation consoles according to MS rebuttals about Call of Duty. They essentially said Sony is only worried about losing to a new business model and is so successful in the traditional console business they don't want any innovative competition. Whether GP is innovative, financially viable for anyone other than MS, a different debate. But from MS perspective, they are very much accusing Sony of being traditional and wanting software to be sold ala cart just as it always has. Gamepass popularity threatens that and that's why they don't want ACTV/BLZ under Xbox. So at least from Sony's competitors, they don't see Sony chasing a different model. Releasing on PC is something I think makes sense for every publisher that's not Nintendo, and it's a tough road ahead for anyone trying to become the next Nintendo.
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